Monday, September 19, 2011

Week #4 Message

School Pictures
As a quick reminder, we will be having pictures taken tomorrow. If you want to purchase pictures, please have your child bring their money.

Classroom Volunteers
Each Tuesday through Friday I could use parent volunteers from 8:30 - 9:00 and 2:45-3:15. Classroom volunteers will work with individually with students on practicing reading fluently (expression and speed). Mrs. Bonyata, our room mother in charge of coordinating classroom volunteers, will be contacting you -- if she hasn't done so all ready -- to see if you could help with this. If you are interested, please email me and I'll forward your email to her.

School Carnival
Remember about the school carnival this Friday. Please refer to the note I'm sending sent home today. Carnival punch passes can be purchased here at school. Our class will be preparing an auction basket on the "Camping & Fishing" theme. You can donate any items that are helpful for camping or fishing.

We are starting a new unit on addition and subtraction this week. Feel free to help your child practice their addition and subtraction facts.

We are focusing on learning and practicing the comprehension strategy of Asking Questions. As you are monitoring your child's reading at home, periodically ask them to give them a "I wonder..." question from what they are reading.

Thanks for you all you do to support your child's learning at home and school.